Representing Exclusively the Unique Art of French Canadian Painter Jacques Tremblay

The Artist Renowned For His Signature Technique of Painting on a ‘Black Background’

Nous Representons Exclusivement L’Art du Peintre Québécois Jacques Tremblay

L’Artiste Connu pour Son Style Unique de Peindre Sur un ‘Fond Noir’


In order to see ALL the paintings available, including details such as the title, the price, and the size of each piece,

please CLICK on your favorite subject on the MENU on the top of the page

LOVE dans le Vieux Mtl. (12 x 16 inches) $1095.00 CAD

Le Village au Bord du Fleuve (24 x 72 inches) $4200.00 CAD

La Partie à la Campagne (20 x 30 inches) $2200.00 CAD

Le Vieux Camion à Scrap (10 x 20 inches) $1145.00 CAD

Le Bouquet Jaune (10 x 8 inches) $575.00 CAD

La Partie Sur Fairmount (24 x 30 inches) $2300.00 CAD

Après la Partie (16 x 20 inches) $1445.00 CAD

Chez Schwartz (10 x 12 inches) $795.00 CAD

Le Bouquet Mixte (20 x 16 inches) $1445.00 CAD

Le 'Petit Champlain' Sous la Lune (11 x 14 inches) $895.00 CAD